Fee Advantage




We hope you see by now that Wealthlet has the scope of service advantage over any other E-2 Visa service providers - after all, Wealthlet covers all professional services involved in your E-2 Visa process. But we didn’t create the ultimate, all-in-one E-2 Visa advisory model just to make it unaffordable for E-2 Visa investors. In fact, Wealthlet has both the scope of service advantage as well as the fee advantage. After studying many of our competitors, Wealthlet can confidently declare:

No other E-2 Visa advisory firm offers as extensive a scope of service at as low a fee as Wealthlet does

To illustrate Wealthlet’s fee advantage, let us imagine that we are before 2016, before Wealthlet even existed. These are the professional services you may expect to pay for in your E-2 Visa process:

Immigration Attorney - $5,000. E-2 Visa immigration attorney fees usually range between $3,000 to $8,000. The immigration attorney covers the “visa work” part of your E-2 Visa process - so the legal counsel, document review, and case submission. Sometimes immigration attorneys offer more services such as business plan writing or business entity set-up, for additional fees of course.

Escrow Service Agent - $2,000. The escrow is an important part of most E-2 Visa processes. You would use the escrow to hold your investment funds pending transaction subject to E-2 Visa issuance contingency. After all, you would not want to commit away your funds before you even receive your E-2 Visa.

Business Plan Writer - $2,000. The business plan would be written towards the end of the E-2 Visa process, after you have done all the business development work necessary.

Business Entity Setup - $1,000. The fees to organize your E-2 business entity depends on whether you choose to do it yourself or through a professional. It also depends on the state you are organizing your business entity in.

The total so far is $10,000. Remember, this was before 2016 so Wealthlet did not even exist yet. This meant that there was no professional party dedicated to doing the “investment work” for your E-2 Visa process - and the “investment work” is the most invaluable, the most difficult, and most important part of your E-2 Visa process, which E-2 investors before 2016 had to do all on their own.

You might ask yourself: “If the typical total of professional service fees excluding ‘investment work’ is $10,000 - how much more expensive would an all-in-one advisory solution including ‘investment work’ be?” We hope that you find this answer a welcome surprise: not a penny more. Truly, Wealthlet’s all-in-one E-2 Visa advisory solution is $10,000. Wealthlet is able to deliver you so many services at so competitive a fee because Wealthlet brings innovation and efficiency to the E-2 Visa, and we pass the cost reduction directly to you.

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Note about government filing fees: While Wealthlet pledges to cover all fees for all professional services for your E-2 Visa, Wealthlet cannot government filing fees associated with the visa processing. As much as we would like to - since Wealthlet strives to be that one advisor you can pay a single fee and not worry about any more fees - there are practical limitations that restrains Wealthlet’s ability to cover government filing fees. For example, E-2 Visa investors from Pakistan must pay the visa processing fee in person at a physical bank branch with local currency. It is an industry practice for E-2 Visa professionals to not include the costs of government filing fees in their advisory fees. Wealthlet strives to be the industry leader in every way, with an all-in-one advisory solution that no other could match, but Wealthlet unfortunately cannot cover government filing fees. Government filing fees depend on your choice of processing:

USCIS Processing: $460 for I-129 filing fee and optional $1,410 for premium processing

Consulate Processing: $205 for DS-160 filing fee